Which Medications Can Treat Dry Eye?

Dry eye disease is a condition caused by inadequate tear production. When the tear film fails to lubricate the eye surface, it causes dryness. The tear film has three layers: oil, water, and mucus, which must remain stable to keep the eyes clean and moist.

Disruptions to the tear film cause dry eye symptoms such as itchiness, burning, and the sensation of something in the eye. Find out more about the medications that can treat dry eye.


What Causes Dry Eye

Dry eye can be due to environmental, hormonal, lifestyle, and other factors. People above 50 are more likely to suffer from dry eye as the tear film changes with time. Hormonal changes and poor diet affect tear production, leaving the eyes dry.

Certain health conditions, use of digital devices, and extreme weather can cause dry eye symptoms. Meibomian gland dysfunction is the most common cause of dry eye. It occurs when the glands that produce oil for the tear film become blocked. Without adequate oil, tears evaporate quickly, leaving the eyes dry.

Symptoms of Dry Eye

When the tear film fails to keep the eyes moist, it causes dryness. Symptoms of dry eye include:

  • Itchiness or the feeling of something in the eye.
  • A stinging or burning sensation.
  • Extreme light sensitivity.
  • Blurry vision.
  • Eye strain, fatigue, or discomfort.
  • Reduced vision.

If untreated, dry eye can lead to eye and vision complications such as cornea damage and poor vision. It can also increase the risk of eye infections.


How to Prevent Dry Eye

There are things you can do to reduce the risk of developing dry eye. If you are prone to the condition, avoid wearing contact lenses or talk to your optometrist about specialized lenses. Limit your digital device use or wear special computer eyeglasses.

Ensure you rest your eyes and blink frequently when using the computer. Wear UV protective eyewear while outdoors and stay well hydrated all day. Use a humidifier indoors to prevent quick tear evaporation. Eating a healthy diet can help to protect your eye health.

Treatment for Dry Eye

There are various treatment options for dry eye. They include artificial tears, prescription eye drops, eye inserts, specialty contacts, unblocking tear glands, and punctal plugs. Various medications can help to treat dry eye, including those that reduce inflammation and tear-stimulating medications.


Medication for Dry Eye

PRN's DE3 Dry Eye Omega Benefits® is an effective dry eye treatment. Many patients who have used the supplement have experienced positive results. The medication delivers essential nutrients to the body, boosting the production of the naturally soothing tear film.

Taking three small capsules a day helps to deliver the desired benefits. Apart from providing nutrients, it improves eye discomfort and promotes the production of high-quality tears. The medication helps to treat meibomian gland dysfunction.


Schedule Regular Eye Exams

Scheduling regular eye exams can help to protect your vision and eye health. If you are prone to dry eye, you may require annual comprehensive eye exams. They enable the doctor to monitor your condition and recommend the best treatment. During the exam, the eye specialist can detect any underlying issues that can cause eye dryness.

For more on the medications that can treat dry eye, visit Eyecare & Aesthetics. Our office is in Los Angeles, California. Call (310) 670-1888 to book an appointment today.

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