Ideal Candidates for TempSure® Envi Skin Tightening

The only way to be sure if you are a candidate for TempSure® Envi Skin Tightening is through a consultation. But TempSure Envi Skin Tightening is suitable for all skin types, both for men and women. You do not have to endure the effects of aging anymore. You can get TempSure Envi Skin Tightening.


What Is TempSure Envi Skin Tightening?


As you age, your skin loses the ability to generate collagen. It results in wrinkles, sagging skin, and cellulite. TempSure Envi Skin Tightening is a cutting-edge treatment that uses radiofrequency energy to tighten the skin.


How Does It Work?


The doctor places it directly on your skin. It delivers gentle heat to the target area. The heat makes the skin treat it as an injury. As a response, it triggers the body’s natural healing response and increases collagen production.


Collagen is a critical substance in healing, and it makes your skin look youthful and supple. An increase in collagen production tightens your skin and gives you a youthful appearance.


Am I a Candidate?


There are certain qualities that doctors will check. Although TempSure Envi Skin Tightening is suitable for all skin types, these qualities will ensure optimal success.


  • Good Overall Health


TempSure Envi Skin Tightening relies on your body’s ability to heal itself. In the process, it increases collagen production to hasten wound healing. But if you have certain autoimmune diseases or conditions, they will hinder the process. They will slow down collagen production, preventing the treatment from being a success.


  • Non-smoker


Smoking distorts your immune system and slows down the healing process. If you have an injury, it increases the chances of an infection forming at the wound site. It decreases the body’s ability to deliver the necessary nutrients and oxygen for healing. It also hinders the body’s ability to increase the production of collagen. Therefore, you may not have optimal results with the treatment.


  • Exercise and Keep a Healthy Weight


Exercising and eating a healthy, balanced diet are vital to skincare. Exercise opens up the pores and allows toxins to leave your body through sweat. It also gets rid of dirt and other garbage. A healthy balanced diet provides your body with antioxidants that protect your skin cells from radiation and free radicals.


It will also have good fats that insulate the skin and help it thermoregulate. Fibers help remove all the garbage from your body and give it a nice little scrub. These two will provide a good foundation for revitalizing the skin using TempSure Envi.


  • Stretchy, Sagging Skin


It includes people with wrinkles, crow’s feet, and generally loose skin. The non-invasive alternative to surgery does not have an extended period. It also does not require a lot of post-surgical care.


It will make your skin look and feel tighter than before. You will also feel youthful and beautiful. The natural elimination of wrinkles and crow’s feet boosts your self-esteem. It allows you to enjoy life once again.


For more on the ideal candidate for TempSure Envi Skin Tightening, call Westchester Eye Care Center at (310) 670-1888 to reach our offices in Los Angeles, California.

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