Changing Vision? 5 Signs It Is Time to See an Optometrist  

It is necessary to schedule regular comprehensive eye exams every two years. It will help ensure that your eyes remain healthy and you enjoy sharp vision. In some cases, your eye doctor may recommend more frequent exams.


It is the case if you have an ocular disorder, medical condition, or a family history of eye disease. A situation may arise when you need eye care before your scheduled exam for optimum eye health. Is your vision changing? Here are signs it is time to see an optometrist.


  • Frequent Headaches


Vision changes usually occur gradually, and you may not notice the difference as you continue to adjust. Adjustment usually means putting more pressure on the eyes, and they strain to see clearly.


If you suffer from frequent headaches, especially accompanied by eyestrain, it could signify a vision problem. Headaches are usually early warning signs of vision changes. If you have reoccurring headaches, it may be a sign that you need to see an optometrist.


  • Eye Pain or Eye Fatigue


Many situations can lead to temporary eye discomfort or fatigue. They range from lack of sleep to allergies and prolonged computer use. Infrequent fatigue or pain may not be an issue, but if it is a common occurrence, it may indicate a vision change.


If the pain or discomfort persists for more than a day, it is a good idea to visit an optometrist. The pain may indicate a vision change but can also be a sign of an infection or severe eye condition.


  • Difficulty Focusing or Blurry Vision


If you experience sudden blurry vision or you have issues focusing, it can be a sign of a vision problem. If you wear glasses or contacts, blurriness could indicate that you need to update your prescription.


It means that your current lenses are not providing the desired vision correction. Schedule an eye exam immediately if blurry vision or difficulty focusing occurs in one eye. It is a symptom of most eye diseases.


  • Constant Squinting


Squinting is a clear sign that you need to visit an optometrist. Most people squint in an attempt to see something more clearly. Squinting helps reduce the light entering the eye, which reduces light scattering and temporarily improves vision.


If you are squinting more often, your vision may be worsening progressively. If you experience vision changes and find it difficult to see properly, you need eye testing.


  • Eye Floaters or Flashes


If you experience eye floaters, flashes, or vision obstructions, it indicates that your vision is changing. The disturbances or visual changes can signify a severe eye condition that requires immediate attention. They could be symptoms of retinal detachment or a hole in the eye tissue. Visit an optometrist immediately if you experience the signs. A proper diagnosis and treatment can help reduce the risk of vision loss.


If you do not remember when you visited an optometrist, it is a sign you need to schedule an appointment. If you suffer from allergies, it can affect your vision, and you need to see an optometrist. Other reasons to visit an eye specialist are if you experience double vision, eye pain, dry eyes, redness, and irritation.


For more on changing vision, visit Westchester Eye Care Center at  (310) 670-1888 to reach our office in Los Angeles, California. 

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